The “Focus on Vision and Vision Loss” website is a resource of the MCB/DDS Partnership Project for Orientation & Mobility/Low Vision Services, a cooperative effort between the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB) and the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS). Partnered since January of 2000, our common goals are to promote healthy vision for all individuals with intellectual disability, raise awareness of needs for those with vision loss, and provide services, resources, training materials and events to help. MCB and DDS work with not-for-profit organizations creating meaningful collaborations to address the unique needs of individuals.
Individual Needs
There is a broad scope of vision loss related needs and challenges faced by people with intellectual disability. Support is needed for individuals who have total blindness, legal blindness, combined vision and hearing loss/deafblindness, vision impairment, low vision or who have vision perception challenges such as experienced from cortical vision impairment (CVI). In addition, a person may need support who wears prescription eye glasses and/or sun glasses, is scheduled for eye surgery, has a question of vision loss, and/or is looking for an eye care provider. The services and resources collaboratively offered through the MCB/DDS Partnership Project work to address individual needs.
For more information on terms that describe vision loss, please see Vision Loss Terminology.
Individual Needs
There is a broad scope of vision loss related needs and challenges faced by people with intellectual disability. Support is needed for individuals who have total blindness, legal blindness, combined vision and hearing loss/deafblindness, vision impairment, low vision or who have vision perception challenges such as experienced from cortical vision impairment (CVI). In addition, a person may need support who wears prescription eye glasses and/or sun glasses, is scheduled for eye surgery, has a question of vision loss, and/or is looking for an eye care provider. The services and resources collaboratively offered through the MCB/DDS Partnership Project work to address individual needs.
For more information on terms that describe vision loss, please see Vision Loss Terminology.
Specialized Orientation & Mobility/Low Vision Services
MCB and DDS collaborate with and provide funding to private not-for-profit organizations for administrative support and specialized service by Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialists (COMS), and Vision Rehabilitation Assistants (VRA). Current partners include the Carroll Center for the Blind, MAB Community Services, and Shriver Clinical Services Corporation. Services are offered to adults eligible for service by DDS, or transitioning into DDS adult services.
Holyoke Health Vision Center
The Developmental Disabilities clinic at the HHC Vision Center represents a distinctive partnership involving Holyoke Health Center, New England College of Optometry (NECO), and the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS). Its mission is to offer accessible vision services tailored to the requirements of adults and children with developmental and intellectual disabilities residing in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Emphasizing patient education and treatment options, the clinic aims to enhance visual function and overall quality of life for each individual it serves.
NECO Center for Eye Care Southeastern Massachusetts
New England College of Optometry, DDS, and Shriver Clinical Services Corporation collaborate for this specialty vision clinic in East Bridgewater, Massachusetts to provide comprehensive eye care for individuals with intellectual disability. The clinic also serves to educate the next generation of eye care providers to best work with adults and children who have intellectual disability.
MCPHS University Eye and Vision Center
Vision Clinic for Persons with Developmental Disabilities at the MCPHS University Eye and Vision Center is a unique collaboration between MCPHS University and Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS). The mission is to provide access to vision services geared to meeting the needs of people of all ages with developmental disability who reside in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The focus is to provide high quality eye care that helps to improve the vision and quality of life for each person served.
Caregiver Support Group
Virtual monthly meetings hosted (by phone or online via Zoom) where caregivers, staff and team members can learn, ask questions, and share ideas. Each month offers a different topic and/or guest speaker.
Specialized Orientation & Mobility/Low Vision Services
MCB and DDS collaborate with and provide funding to private not-for-profit organizations for administrative support and specialized service by Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialists (COMS), and Vision Rehabilitation Assistants (VRA). Current partners include the Carroll Center for the Blind, MAB Community Services, and Shriver Clinical Services Corporation. Services are offered to adults eligible for service by DDS, or transitioning into DDS adult services.
Holyoke Health Vision Center
The Developmental Disabilities clinic at the HHC Vision Center represents a distinctive partnership involving Holyoke Health Center, New England College of Optometry (NECO), and the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS). Its mission is to offer accessible vision services tailored to the requirements of adults and children with developmental and intellectual disabilities residing in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Emphasizing patient education and treatment options, the clinic aims to enhance visual function and overall quality of life for each individual it serves.
NECO Center for Eye Care Southeastern Massachusetts
New England College of Optometry, DDS, and Shriver Clinical Services Corporation collaborate for this specialty vision clinic in East Bridgewater, Massachusetts to provide comprehensive eye care for individuals with intellectual disability. The clinic also serves to educate the next generation of eye care providers to best work with adults and children who have intellectual disability.
MCPHS University Eye and Vision Center
Vision Clinic for Persons with Developmental Disabilities at the MCPHS University Eye and Vision Center is a unique collaboration between MCPHS University and Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS). The mission is to provide access to vision services geared to meeting the needs of people of all ages with developmental disability who reside in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The focus is to provide high quality eye care that helps to improve the vision and quality of life for each person served.
Caregiver Support Group
Virtual monthly meetings hosted (by phone or online via Zoom) where caregivers, staff and team members can learn, ask questions, and share ideas. Each month offers a different topic and/or guest speaker.
American Printing House for the Blind Federal Quota Account / MCB
Held by MCB and jointly administered together with DDS, eligible adults are able to receive free vision loss accessible materials through the APH Products Catalog.
Eye Care Provider Resources for Individuals with Intellectual Disability
Eye care providers from across Massachusetts who have expertise in treating individuals with intellectual disability and who have given permission for practice information to be posted and shared are listed. The DDS Eye Care Provider resource is for informational purposes only and does not in any way constitute an endorsement or recommendation from the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS).
Funded by Shriver Clinical Services Corporation, this site offers resources and information for individuals, family members, caregivers, and staff. The site is linked to both the DDS vision loss website: https://www.mass.gov/lists/idd-blindness-and-vision-impairment and to the MCB website.
Leisure and Learning HUB
Unlimited free access to a growing list of activity ideas and resources offered via Google Classroom. Each linked resource was created specifically for individuals with vision loss or can be adapted by use of description, textured materials, organization and creativity. This collection is free to access (with Google account) and welcomes users to share ideas.
American Printing House for the Blind Federal Quota Account / MCB
Held by MCB and jointly administered together with DDS, eligible adults are able to receive free vision loss accessible materials through the APH Products Catalog.
Eye Care Provider Resources for Individuals with Intellectual Disability
Eye care providers from across Massachusetts who have expertise in treating individuals with intellectual disability and who have given permission for practice information to be posted and shared are listed. The DDS Eye Care Provider resource is for informational purposes only and does not in any way constitute an endorsement or recommendation from the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS).
Funded by Shriver Clinical Services Corporation, this site offers resources and information for individuals, family members, caregivers, and staff. The site is linked to both the DDS vision loss website: https://www.mass.gov/lists/idd-blindness-and-vision-impairment and to the MCB website.
Leisure and Learning HUB
Unlimited free access to a growing list of activity ideas and resources offered via Google Classroom. Each linked resource was created specifically for individuals with vision loss or can be adapted by use of description, textured materials, organization and creativity. This collection is free to access (with Google account) and welcomes users to share ideas.
Training Materials
MCB/DDS Partnership Project Resource Handouts
Downloadable and printable sheets developed by COMS working with the MCB/DDS Partnership Project to provide information and training resources on topics relating to vision, vision loss and skills/resources to help. The resource handouts are available in pdf and rich text formats and are also imbedded throughout this site where applicable.
Let's Walk Together - Human Guide Video
Produced in 2013, Emerson College, the Carroll Center for the Blind, Shriver Clinical Services Corporation, DDS and MCB partnered to create the video demonstrating use of the Human Guide technique (also known as Sighted Guide) by adults who have intellectual disability and vision loss.
MCB/DDS Partnership Project Resource Handouts
Downloadable and printable sheets developed by COMS working with the MCB/DDS Partnership Project to provide information and training resources on topics relating to vision, vision loss and skills/resources to help. The resource handouts are available in pdf and rich text formats and are also imbedded throughout this site where applicable.
Let's Walk Together - Human Guide Video
Produced in 2013, Emerson College, the Carroll Center for the Blind, Shriver Clinical Services Corporation, DDS and MCB partnered to create the video demonstrating use of the Human Guide technique (also known as Sighted Guide) by adults who have intellectual disability and vision loss.
Training Events
Train the Trainer: Human Guide and Vision Loss Sensitivity
Now offered virtually by application, HGVLS is a collaborative program presented by DDS, MCB, MAB Community Services and The Carroll Center for the Blind. Successful completion of this training enables agency workers to to provide training for new staff and/or refresher training for existing supervisors and staff.
"Focus" Talks
An on-demand webcast series on topics related to eye care, vision and vision loss are presented by colleagues from across Massachusetts. “Focus” Talks vary in length from 20 minutes up to an hour, are always free, and offer both captioning and deaf interpreting for all sessions. Featured “Focus” Talks are highlighted monthly.
"Focus" on Vision Impairment & Blindness Annual Conference
This day-long collaborative event provides a multi-tracked educational program reaching out to the needs of individuals, clinicians, family members, support staff at day and residential programs, nurses, eye care providers, administrators, advocates and all concerned with the vision and vision loss needs of adults with intellectual disability. In addition, many resources are shared at the exhibit area and through poster presentations. The “Focus” Conference is organized by DDS and MCB together with Perkins, Boston University School of Medicine, New England College of Optometry, and Shriver Clinical Services Corporation. Additional sponsors provide funding support for the event each year.
Train the Trainer: Human Guide and Vision Loss Sensitivity
Now offered virtually by application, HGVLS is a collaborative program presented by DDS, MCB, MAB Community Services and The Carroll Center for the Blind. Successful completion of this training enables agency workers to to provide training for new staff and/or refresher training for existing supervisors and staff.
"Focus" Talks
An on-demand webcast series on topics related to eye care, vision and vision loss are presented by colleagues from across Massachusetts. “Focus” Talks vary in length from 20 minutes up to an hour, are always free, and offer both captioning and deaf interpreting for all sessions. Featured “Focus” Talks are highlighted monthly.
"Focus" on Vision Impairment & Blindness Annual Conference
This day-long collaborative event provides a multi-tracked educational program reaching out to the needs of individuals, clinicians, family members, support staff at day and residential programs, nurses, eye care providers, administrators, advocates and all concerned with the vision and vision loss needs of adults with intellectual disability. In addition, many resources are shared at the exhibit area and through poster presentations. The “Focus” Conference is organized by DDS and MCB together with Perkins, Boston University School of Medicine, New England College of Optometry, and Shriver Clinical Services Corporation. Additional sponsors provide funding support for the event each year.